Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Off to Europe

I leave today for a three week trip to Europe with shows for queer Christian groups, workshops for queer theater troupes and some exploratory discussions about future projects in Europe.

Although the ex-gay movement looks different in Europe than in the States, it still operates on several levels. Dave Rattigan, writing from England for Ex-Gay Watch, published a piece last week about Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Cantebury's recent statements about same-sex attractions. Williams:
"I don't believe inclusion is a value in itself. Welcome is. We don't say 'Come in and we ask no questions'. I do believe conversion means conversion of habits, behaviours, ideas, emotions," he told a Dutch journalist
Alan Chambers at Exodus enthused over the archbishop's less than subtle endorsement for gay to straight change.

Just last week a major article about the recent Exodus conference and the North Amerian ex-gay movement appeared in the German woman's magazine Maxi. The writer, Tina Kopperschmidt, interviewed me and a lesbian friend of mine from Canada for the piece along with others, both ex-gays and ex-ex-gays. Hopefully I'll pick up a copy tomorrow in London. Here's a teaser for the German speakers.
Kann man Schwule umdrehen? Die US-Organization Exodus will Homosexuelle zu Heteros umerziehen.
This weekend I will present in London, Cardiff and Copenhagen. Details below. Feeling at peace about this trip after having discussed it at length with my mother earlier in the summer. At that time I worried that I would be far away when she needed her children near her. I feel like she is coming along with me instead.

Doin' Time with Peterson Toscano
(excerpts from various shows and previously unseen material)
Friday, September 15, 2006, 7:00 PM
London, England
Courage Members Only
Find out more about Courage here (It is a great group to join!)

Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House
Saturday, September 16, 2006, 7:15 PM
Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement South Wales/De Cymru
City Church URC
Windsor Place (town centre)
Cardiff, Wales
Open to Public--£3
07719 644581
LGC Information

Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House
Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:00 PM
Brorsons Kirke
Rantzausgade 49
2200 Nørrebro
Copenhagen, Denmark

Next week Sweden! For the full performance schedule, click here.


At 8:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not going to Norway? A very dear friend of mine (old college roommate) lives in Oslo. Too bad. Maybe next trip....

Tom D.


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